Smoked Shellfish Terrine
I smoke shellfish whenever I have the smoker going and some space on the rack, so sometimes the problem is: what to do with the resulting goodies? This is one of my favorites...
1 medium onion, chopped
4 scallions, chopped
Olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup white wine
1/2 pound smoked shrimp
1/2 pound smoked squid or scallops
2 T tomato paste
1 cup whipped cream
2 T milk
Salt, hot sauce, to taste
1 whole egg
1 egg, separated
1/8 cup panko
1/8 cup mayonnaise
1 T ketchup
1 T Dijon mustard
Pinch cayenne powder
1 tsp dried dill
Fresh Dill
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Sauté onion and scallion in a scant amount of olive on medium heat for several minutes until translucent. Add garlic and sauté for another minute. Pour in wine and simmer to reduce liquid to a syrup, stirring occasionally. Purée onion mixture and set aside.
Chop shellfish into fine dice. (For a smoother textured terrine, pulse a couple of times in the processor. Do not overprocess!) Mix tomato paste, cream, milk, panko, onions and shellfish. Correct seasoning (smoked shellfish rarely needs salt, since it is usually brined before smoking). Stir in the whole egg and the separated yolk.
In a separate bowl, beat egg white until stiff peaks form, and fold into fish mixture, adding half of the whites at a time.
Grease a baking pan or mold and pour in the shellfish mixture. Bake in a hot water bath about 30 minutes. Allow to rest 10 minutes, then unmold onto a plate. Refrigerate. Serve cold.
Whisk mayonnaise, adding ketchup and mustard until all ingredients are blended.
Serve in slices, with a dollop of sauce over each, and garnishes. I normally serve terrines with Julia's croûtes: 3/4" slices French bread, toasted 30 min in a 325º oven on a baking sheet, turned and basted with olive oil after 15 minutes and rubbed with a cut garlic clove when done.
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Hi Stephen, Your posts on the smoker almost make me ready to spend all that cash on it. Have never been much of a griller, so still waiting to get my courage up. By the way, your site keeps getting better and better - totally impressed!
Posted by: Chefdoc | July 13, 2005 at 03:01 PM
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, Stephen--especially since it led me to yours! This is such a beautiful site and I am salivating over your smoked shellfish. I live in FL so I have plenty of access to seafood but I've never smoked it myself. Your photos have inspired me to try! I'll be back regularly.
Posted by: Amy | July 13, 2005 at 04:18 PM
This looks fabulous!
Posted by: clare eats | July 13, 2005 at 10:09 PM