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Scallop and Pancetta Pizza

Scallop and Pancetta Pizza

People sometimes ask me how I keep coming up with different pizza combinations, and the answer is simple: what I have on hand + what the food mood is at the moment = the next new pizza. This pizza is a perfect case to illustrate how this works.

We're in the middle of what seems like the fifteenth snowstorm of the season. I just got my lungs full of good Maine air with half an hour of shoveling and so the food mood in the kitchen is: warm comfort food! On hand is a container of scallops and three of my favorite cheeses: fresh mozzarella, Manchego and Parmigiano Reggiano. In the freezer is the chunk of pancetta I always keep on hand for moments like this, and of course there are onions, garlic and parsley available. So there it is: a very satisfying winter pizza, perfect for refueling shovelers (another 4 inches fell while I made it) or for greeting skiers, sledders, skaters or boarders on their return.

Scallop and Pancetta Pizza

dough for one 12 - 14" pizza - see the Master Pizza Dough recipe
4-6 oz fresh scallops
6 thin slices pancetta
3 large cloves garlic, chopped
zest of 1/3 lemon
1/3 lemon
olive oil
1 medium onion, sliced thin
3 oz fresh mozzarella, chopped
3 oz Manchego, shredded
3 oz Parmigiano Reggiano
parsley, minced

Cut the pancetta slices into strips and sauté slowly for a few minutes until the edges just start to brown. Remove to a side plate.

Wash and dry the scallops. Cut them into thin disks. Reheat the pancetta pan until very hot. Toss in the scallops and use a spatula to quickly remove them to a side plate after about 20 seconds. Scatter on the zest, squeeze the lemon third over them, add a pinch of salt and give them a toss.

When the first rising of the dough is complete, roll or stretch it into a pizza shell. Spread 2 tablespoons of olive oil over the dough and then spread the onion slices over the surface. Scatter on the garlic. Bake on a preheated stone at 450º for 8 - 10 minutes. Mix the cheeses and spread them over the pizza. Scatter on the pancetta and scallop slices. Reduce the oven temperature to 400º and bake another 8 - 10 minutes, until the crust is nicely browned.

Scatter on the parsley and brush the crust with a little olive oil. Cut and serve immediately.


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Yup, I can see myself having a huge slice of this pizza -- especially after an hour of exercise outside. And mind you, not fresh Maine air here in dreadful Cleveland. More asthma enhancing ...
Thanks for the tip.

Mmmmmmm Piiizzzaaa! Do you have to shovel first?

Looks so good. Scallops on Pizza-- You are an inspiration!

Very nice to have you back, with great ideas for dinner!

Yum...what a great combination! Inspires me to keep crafting new combos from my own jumbled fridge. This is a great blog, thanks.

I just discovered your blog and really like it. I love to make my own pizza dough and pizza sauce. My toppings depends of my mood. One of my favorite is: pesto, ham, asparagus & gruyere cheese.

This sounds great. My mouth is watering just looking at the picture. I'll have to try it.
I have been trying a few scallop/ double smoked bacon combination that work well too.

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